Premium b/vlogging

I’ve been wanting to upgrade to the premium version of WordPress for a while now. I’ve been hesitating because I’m about to start taking more web design courses so I was going to wait and see if I wanted to use Dreamweaver and host my own blog instead or do the premium and keep it with WordPress. I was also concerned that this blog was going to turn out like my other ones and end up getting abandoned after a short time. But so far I’ve been keeping strong on it, and it’s been enjoyable. It hasn’t felt like a chore.

I was reading up on upgrading again because I’m getting really irritated with the limitations they put on the design aspects of your blog. Like you can even change the font color? What the fuck. I decided I’m leaning more towards using WordPress because of the main structural components already being taken care of. While I will be learning more about web design, I do want to keep this blog as my hobby, as a fun outlet for my thoughts and emotions, for however long I can keep it. And in order to keep enjoying writing and expressing my creativity, I want to have full reign over my material.

I’m hoping to order it soon but something’s holding me back still. It’s a lot of money I suppose, for a broke college kid. But I want the features associated with it. The customization features are the main selling point for me, but I also want the ability to upload mp3 files. Music is extremely important to me in conveying my thoughts and feelings, and I’d rather be able to post them and lyrics without having to use a middle service like YouTube. Not only that, but I have been tinkering with a sort of vlogging. I keep my blog anonymous, but often times I’m too tired, anxious, or mostly scatterbrained to write. I’ve started making little video clips on my phone to watch when I’m sad or something (like I used to with Ryan), and it gave me an idea to make sort of anono-vlog clips on occasion. Basically vlogging in a dark room, or I thought maybe it would be cool to wear a mask each time, or make up or something. I don’t know, something weird and fucked up. Because I’m weird and fucked up. So it seems appropriate. Honestly if I could vlog in a ninja turtle mask I would probably just do that all the time, lol! Plus I get the added benefit of playing with my new video editing software. I downloaded it to make lyric videos to upload on here, which you also need the premium account to do, but they’ve proven far more annoying to make than I’d expected.

I honestly doubt it would be something that would be anytime soon, or very often if I did do it, but it would be nice to have more different ways to express myself I guess. I’m definitely not a video person, in fact I think seeing myself on a video is probably the worst thing ever. But once again, that is the beauty of a little anonymity. I get to explore my creativity.

Premium… $100 for a year is really not very much for a hobby this vast and diverse, but a chunk of change no less. Idk. Le sigh.

–> PB