Checking in, if only out of guilt

I don’t want to spend a ton of time writing since I want to play my new DLC on a game I really like. But I’ve only done a few half-written drafts without posting anything in a while, and I happen to have some time to myself without pressure to do shit!

So here, I’ll just write about my game since that’s what’s on my mind. Sorry for the boring post.

I played Tropico 4 for the first time only less than a year ago. I LOVED it. It took WEEKS to finish all the missions and I had a blast doing it. So many hours burned… haha. After Steam’s Summer Sale ended I hadn’t seen the DLC and expansion on discounted prices. (They’re regular $4.99. Each. There’s eleven. Ouch, right?) They go down to $0.74 each when they’re on sale. Or you can buy a pack for $5.99 (which also includes the game Tropico 4 itself.) Even already owning the game, it’s cheaper to buy the pack. I didn’t do it during the summer sale and have been waiting! Well, two or three days ago, they went on a Daily Sale deal! My account emailed me since it’s on my wishlist. Even forgetting about it, I still managed to purchase my pack before the sale ended. (Thank you time-zone difference!)

I used some of our very precious, limited data to download the files for the main expansion (since I really shouldn’t use it to download it all, especially if I don’t even have a chance to play.) Last night, I finally dove into the first mission, and it began again. Like a first kiss. That infatuation that draws you in for an endless amount of time. God, I missed that. I really did. It’s gamer crack. Nothing else matters.

By gum, it’s going to a great day!

This morning this happened:

I’m looking around the trailer for a pack of gum when I absentmindedly say, “I have a piece of gum around here somewhere…”

My dad blinks and pauses for a moment before saying with a sincere on his face, “Like, chewed?”

…yes, Dad, like chewed. I’m looking for my chewed gum.

I just stared at him before finally laughing when I realized he was indeed serious. Haha! We weren’t even high yet!

**PS: if anyone is actually following this blog, I’m sorry I haven’t written in a couple of days. I’ve been traveling and by the time I stop for the evening I’m so exhausted, the last thing I want to do is think about writing. I’d rather watch Twilight, lol. #hatersbehatin

–> PB

Ruby-red RadioShack

Just had fun flirting it up with one of the cute guys at RadioShack while returning and exchanging a couple of things. It was not only just being friendly because he looked around my age, but it was the way he sounded.

He had a very slight southern accent so I asked him where he was from.

He said Tennessee, then when I smiled he added, “Is it that obvious?”

I was like, “Well I lived in Georgia for 2 years so, yeah.”

He started joking about going home and then laughing at him because he apparently “sounded funny” lol. I told him it was subtle, very cute.

*flashes ruby-red-lipped smile*

*thinks, Oh my God, please don’t let there be lipstick on my teeth!*

😀 lol

–> PB

“They say my lip gloss is cool, my lip gloss be poppin!”

I’m a total tomboy. Have been my whole life. My hair was not any longer than my fingers for more than half my life. I got in trouble from my mom not for wearing clothes that were too revealing, but for wearing clothes that were too baggy, or too black, or too negative, or just because they’re boys clothes. My mom’s also a tomboy. She’s truck driver mom. That’s what I always call her although she’s never been a truck driver. She’s the type. Show no fear, works her ass off, tough as nails. So definitely don’t mistake this as my mom trying to make me a girly girl. I’m just saying that that’s how I am.

Now, I’ve been greatly enjoying my femininism. Something changed when I was with Ryan in the very beginning, and I don’t know if it was due to him so much as it was due to my eating disorder reaching a full peak of destruction; I begin to embrace more of a girly side. I decided to shave my legs more than once a month. Lol. I decided to grow my hair out. (That became an obsession. I am now obsessed with my hair, and I hate cutting it. I only go to one stylist who I trust not to fuck it all up because I’ve been growing it forever. I try to take care of it.)

As time goes on and I begin to continue reaching out to more people and trying to overcome my paralyzing social anxiety, I’ve been working on improving my self-confidence obviously to do this. And I realize that I’m super vain and shallow, I openly admit this, but I’ve been given an excuse, or reason, however you would like to think of it, to work on my physical appearance and experiment a little with things I haven’t gotten to do before. I’m discovering myself, remember? I’m creating myself. And I can be anyone I want.

I can remember only one time putting anything besides chapstick on my lips in about the last decade. And that was the day I got married. I always hated growing up whenever I did try something new like wear a skirt or a dressy blouse people always stared at me like I had suddenly grown horns. They always commented on it. It began not to matter if they were being sincere or not, I hated hearing about it. It was like I was trying to do this as something new not to be a huge fucking flashing disco ball for everyone to marvel at. But right now I’m creating a new me and I don’t really know anyone. I don’t have any close friends, only a couple of people I occasionally talk to you at work who I don’t believe are going to stay in touch after I leave. But that can mean something new that I can be anyone I want, like I said.

Tonight, I felt like the girl who wanted to wear a bold lip gloss. I only had 2 buried in my bag of stuff. (Yes, that’s how bad my girliness has gotten. I’ve kept these make up things that I never used for years. I also have several shades of eyeshadow and several colors of eyeliner even though I only wear black. It’s all stuff I didn’t buy. I either got it for free when I was couponing, or I got it as a gift. Why throw something perfectly good away? I hate waste…

So! I display for you my lip gloss. I was deciding which one looked better. I realize that you cannot see the rest of my face, but my skin tone is a light olive, and my makeup gives my skin a very pale undertone with a brush over of light tan (close to normal complexion). The fact that my skin looks so, so light makes me really like the darker color to give it that bold ‘pop!’



–> PB


My dad baffles me sometimes even over things I already knew.

Like, I already knew he was an amazing Italian cook, but biting into this microwaved pasta and meatballs leftover from Wednesday night is like having a coming-to-Jesus moment.

In the wise words of Iggy Azalea:
       “Praise Jesus, hallelujah!”

funny iggy

Get’cha some, girl.

–> PB

A promising evening to begin a hopeful weekend off

After being hit with sudden intense waves of nausea this morning leading to me vomiting just before leaving for work and being unable to even think of stomaching food all day, I just realized I finally ate something!…Panera Cinnamon Scone.. duh. It’s MAGIC. Plus, I also finally remembered the right length of time to nuke it where it’s the perfect balance of melty and crunchy.

So! This evening is already looking promising, lol.

Really the best part is that despite the fact that it took all. night. long, literally until I had to shower for work, I did the one thing I’ve been wanting to do for weeks. I used my insomnia to my advantage, poured an energy drink or two on top of that, and off I went. And damn, Lightning! She can really build momentum when she’s dedicated! (*referencing myself for those who didn’t get it*) It’s amazing what I can do when I finally stop rebelling against myself. It’s like, Fuck, dude. Who are you really fighting? You know?

–> PB

Got my blood work done

The nurse taking my blood was so sweet. We’re just to chatting like friends for the whole like 20 minutes it took to do everything. She didn’t mention my scars but she did see them. She put a 🙂 on my band aid after I was done.

It’s the smallest most unexpected moments that make your day. Even when you’re getting blood work to check for STDs because your husband cheating bastard.


–> PB

Whenever you need a smile, look at this

I was next to this guy at a stoplight several weeks back. I couldn’t help staring at his antenna for an awkwardly long period of time and laughing hysterically. I finally decided at the last moment to take a picture of this moment so that I could forever laughing at this.

So, if you don’t get it right away, just take a good luck. Enjoy the moment. Lol 😀


–> PB